martes, 23 de julio de 2013


I am seen, soy visto
you are seen, eres visto
he is seen, es visto
we are seen, somos vistos
you are seen, sois vistos
they are seen, son vistos
I was seen, fui visto
you were seen, fuiste visto
he was seen, fue visto
we were seen, fuimos vistos
you were seen, fuisteis vistos
they were seen, fueron vistos
I have been seen, he sido visto
you have been seen, has sido visto
he has been seen, ha sido visto
we have been seen, hemos sido vistos
you have been seen, habéis sido vistos
they have been seen, han sido vistos
I shall be seen, seré visto
you will be seen, serás visto
he will be seen, será visto
we shall be seen, seremos vistos
you will be seen, seréis vistos
they will be seen, serán vistos

PRETERITO PLUSCUAMPERFECTO:   I had been seen, había sido visto
CONDICIONAL:   I should be seen, sería visto
FUTURO PERFECTO:   I shall have been seen, habré sido visto
CONDICIONAL PERFECTO:   I should have been seen, habría sido visto


1. La voz pasiva se forma con el verbo to be conjugado más el participio del verbo principal. En inglés es mucho más frecuente que en español y, normalmente, aparece cuando no es importante quien realiza una acción sino el hecho en sí. Por eso, no siempre que veamos una pasiva, tenemos que traducirlo literalmente, puesto que en español suena más forzado. Sólo es posible el uso de la voz pasiva con verbos transitivos (verbos que llevan complemento directo).

Tom writes a letter
Tom is writing a letter
Tom was writing a letter
Tom wrote a letter
Tom has written a letter
Tom had written a letter
Tom will write a letter
Tom is going to write a letter
Tom can write a letter
Tom could write a letter
Tom must write a letter
Tom may write a letter
Tom might write a letter
A letter is written by Tom
A letter is being written by Tom
A letter was being written by Tom
A letter was written by Tom
A letter has been written by Tom
A letter had been written by Tom
A letter will be written by Tom
A letter is going to be written by Tom
A letter can be written by Tom
A letter could be written by Tom
A letter must be written by Tom
A letter may be written...
A letter might be written...

2. El sujeto agente se expresa con by. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de las ocasiones se prescinde del sujeto ya que no nos interesa saber quién exactamente ejecuta la acción. Si una oración activa tiene complemento directo e indirecto, cualquiera de los dos complementos puede ser sujeto paciente de la pasiva:
ACTIVE: Someone gives me a dog
PASSIVE 1: A dog is given to me
PASSIVE 2: I am given a dog (forma pasiva idiomática)
La forma pasiva de doing, seeing, etc es being done, being seen, etc.

ACTIVE: I don't like people telling me what to do
PASSIVE: I don't like being told what to do
En ocasiones en las que ocurre algo a veces imprevisto, no planeado o fortuito para la formación de la voz pasiva se prefiere usar get y no be:
get hurt, get annoyed, get divorced, get married, get invited, get bored, get lost

3. Las construcciones impersonales (se dice, se comenta, etc.) son muy típicas de la pasiva y difíciles de traducir para los hispanoparlantes. Este tipo de construcción pasiva -utilizada cada vez con mayor frecuencia en los medios- se forma con la estructura sujeto + to be + participle: It is reported (Se informa); It is said (Se dice); It is known (Se sabe); It is supposed (Se supone); It is considered (Se considera); It is expected (Se espera). Veamos algunos ejemplos:

ACTIVE: Everybody thinks Cathy works very hard.
PASSIVE 1: Cathy is thought to work very hard. (Se piensa que Cathy...)
PASSIVE 2: It is thought that Cathy works very hard. (Se piensa que Cathy...)
ACTIVE: They believe Tom is wearing a white pullover.
PASSIVE 1: Tom is believed to be wearing a white pullover. (Se cree que...)
PASSIVE 2: It is believed that Tom is wearing a white pullover. (Se cree que...)


a) Se usa en afirmativo para acciones que estaban planeadas, que se supone que van a realizar, u obligaciones que uno debería cumplir.
You were supposed to be here at 9:00 am!!
b) Otras veces, el uso de supposed indica que estos planes o obligaciones finalmente no se cumplieron:
The train was supposed to arrive at 5 o'clock. (but it arrived at 8 o'clock)
You were supposed to go to the supermarket. (but you didn't go)
c) Por el contrario, en negativo, supposed significa la no conveniencia o prohibición de hacer algo:
You are not supposed to smoke here. (you are not allowed to smoke here)
You are not supposed to copy our web files. (you must not copy our web files)

As you can see, regular verbs add ed to make the past tense (work / worked) and irregular verbs change their form entirely (go / went). The most important verb to learn first in the past tense is "be."

Be - Past Tense
I was
We were
You were
You were
He was
They were
She was
It was
 To make the negative, use "did" + "not" (didn't) + the main verb in the simple form:
I did not learn
We did not learn
You did not learn
You did not learn
He did not learn
They did not learn
She did not learn
It did not learn
Irregular Verb: Have
Subject + ________
(irregular verbs take many different forms in the past tense)
I had
We had
You had
You had
He had
They had
She had
It had

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012


Who ? - ¿Quién? ¿Quienes?
What ? - ¿Qué? ¿Cuál? ¿Cuáles?
When ? - ¿Cuándo?
Where ? - ¿Dónde? ¿Adónde?
Which ? - ¿Qué? ¿Cuál? ¿Cuáles?
Whose ? - ¿De quién? ¿De quiénes?
Why ? - ¿Por qué? ¿Para qué?
How ? - ¿Cómo? ¿Cuán?

can never be answered with yes/no


information about a person


who is your  father 

who is  that  person whit  the hat?

who do you like best ?
tom or jerry?


information about a thing or something general


what is in  your bag?
what did you do yesterday?
what are they doing?


information about the time something happens

when is your brother's birthday?
when are you going to finish you work?
when are we going home?


information about a place

where are you?
where do you work?
where is the front door rey?


choice between a few possibilities

which book is better, the blue or the red one?
which shirt should i wear?
the pink one the purple one?

which: choice between options
what shirt should i wear?
-> what rind of shirt
what no specific options


who the owner of something is

Example :
whose computer is this
whose car is that
whose bike is this ?
it is Peter's bike?


the reason for something

Example :

why is he going home?
why do you want to be a singer?
why are you learning english?


the way in which something is done
how+other word:
quality or quantity
how was your trip?
how re you?

 how do you get to london?